Tag Archives: Ring Rows

Playing Catch-up


Good Morning!!

I had a nice week-long break from the blog and enjoyed not feeling like I had to get things down right away, but at the same time I missed it. Let’s play a little game of catch-up real quick on the workouts.

Monday, May 2, 2011:

Tabatas of Squats (10), Push Ups (competition style, 5), Sit Ups (GHD, 9) and Ring Rows (7). Tabatas are 8 rounds of 20 seconds doing as many reps as possible followed by a 10 second rest. The number above is the lowest number of reps I managed for each move.

First day in our new gym! We now have what they call an On Ramp for new members to learn the skills and form. This is in the garage area that was our original gym. Right in front of that was an old dance studio they turned into our new gym. Yay for air conditioning! While it’s not cold in there – they keep it around 78- the humidity is greatly reduced.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011:

AMRAP 15 Mins:
15 Reps of Overhead Squats, Hang Cleans and Push Press. Used the 35# bar. Anytime the bar hits the ground you must do 5 Burpee Pull Ups. Michelle, Cortni and I were all able to complete the 15 minutes without setting the bar down. I’d either rest it on my back or in my hips. Completed 4 Rounds.

Thursday, May 5, 2011:

600 Meter Run (mod from 1200)
40 Abmat Sit Ups
400 Meter Run (mod from 800)
30 GHD Sit Ups
300 Meter Run (mod from 600)
20 Roll Outs
200 Meter Run (mod from 400)
10 Knees to Elbows
Finished in 20:00

Since my breathing has steadily gotten worse, I’ve had a harder time doing my workouts; especially the cardio. Today’s workout entailed A LOT of running. I told Shane that I didn’t think I could do that much, so he modified it to where I only ran 1/2 the distance everyone else did. Afterward, I think I could have run more but not sure if I could have done the entire distance. I hate modifying the workouts though.

Friday, May 6, 2011:

4 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
30 Squats to Med Ball
Finished in 20:10

Normally I only workout three days a week, but yesterday’s workout really had me second guessing myself. Could I have done the entire distance and I just talked myself out of it? So, back to the gym I went today to tackle the workout; However, when I told Shane what I wanted to do he explained that he didn’t want me doing the same workout as the day before since we’d already worked those muscles. So, he put together a different workout that had more running (albeit only by 100 meters) to see how I did. It went pretty good. My legs were tight and burning when I finished.

Monday, May 9, 2011:

Skill: Double Unders
Yeah, I wasn’t able to do 1 double under. I guess I’m trying to jump too much and not concentrating on getting the rope around. Not sure, but it wasn’t pretty!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Deadlifts (115#)
Bar Facing Burpees
Finished in 17:11

I really didn’t want to workout today. If I’d had my choice I would have gone home and eaten a pint of Cherry Garcia while watching TV in repose! Fortunately, I had my inner voice telling me what a putz I was being and made myself go to the gym. Today’s workout kicked my butt, which was what Shane wanted. He gave us all a pep talk before our workout explaining that the workouts are short so they need to be intense. If you’re walking around afterward saying, “Boy that was tough! So, what are y’all doing tonight?” then you didn’t work hard enough. He wants to see us on our backs gasping for air. Well, he got his wish! I started with 95# on the deadlift, but that first round was too easy so I went up some. I probably could have gone up more but the burpees really zap me. The first few rounds of high deadlifts and low burpee counts weren’t too bad but doing burpees 6-10 kicked my butt. In the bar facing burpees you’re supposed to do a burpee in front of your bar, then jump over the bar and do the next burpee. I also whacked my head on the bar a couple of times because I was too close. Shane asked me how I was doing when I was on round 7. I know I was probably dragging ass, but I was tired. After I finished I had to catch my breath and try to cool down; I was getting a bit overheated. You know it’s a good workout when you’re covered in sweat and your muscles are tight the next day!

It’ll be interesting to see what today (Tuesday) brings. My breathing is doing pretty good today so I’m hoping for a good workout.