400 Meter Sprint? Are You Crazy?!


It’s Tuesday!! That means I get my butt kicked in CrossFit. Our warm up today was a 400 Meter Sprint for time. Uh….what? You want to time my 400 meter sprint? HAHAHAHA….ok…I’m slow. I’m not a runner. My normal mile is about 16:30…so I was a little intimidated by this. We lined up on the road and as soon as Shane said “GO” I tried to push my legs as fast as I could go. I finished last, which was expected. My time was 2:12. While I wasn’t that happy with that time, it was only about 20 seconds behind the person before me and as Michelle said that works out to about a 9 minute mile! So, I cut my normal mile in half. I like looking at it that way better!

The WOD was Tabatas of Squats, Push Ups, Butterfly Sit Ups, and Ring Dips. I kinda like tabatas, but at the same time they’re painful!  For those of you not familiar with Tabatas, basically you go all out for 20 seconds and do as many reps of the assigned exercise as possible, then rest for 10 seconds. You repeat this cycle 8 times. You keep track of your lowest reps and that becomes your score. So, for example, I did 13 squats (my most) and averaged about 10 squats, but my lowest rep round was 9, so I get 9 points for my squats. The next time we do squat tabatas I’ll be able to compare my score to today’s score. So, how did I do?

First…Ignore Chad and Cortni. They’re both beasts and it’s not fair to compare myself against them! Michelle did very well. I ended up with a 9 for my squats, 8 for push ups (I was happy with this score!), 7 for sit ups, and 6 for dips. Overall, I’m pretty happy with my score. I feel like I’ve come a long way in the 3 months I’ve been going to CrossFit. All of us (Alaina, Alan/Alen/Allen, Michelle) have. I’m excited to see what the rest of this year brings.

OH…another small victory for me. We had to do burpees in our warm up as well (only 5 each round, 2 rounds) and while they still sucked, I felt pretty strong doing them!! I don’t know that I could have done much more than 5 in a row but I was able to hop my legs back and hop them up to my chest whereas before I’d have to step back.

In other news, I had my 6 month check with for my Tracheal Stenosis today. Dr. D said everything looked stable. The area has healed well and while it’s slightly tighter than when I had the dilation done, it’s still much better than before the dilation and the “shelf” (a ridge of scar tissue) isn’t growing back (yet.). So, I got a clean bill of health and go back in another 6 months. He also told me that I needed to get to a healthy weight because the more fat you have, the more cells you have, the more demand your body has for oxygen. “I’m not telling you to lose 100lbs, or 2olbs, or even 10lbs, just get to a healthy weight.” Umm…ok. How do I get to a healthy weight if I don’t lose lbs?! Of course, I’m already working on this. He’s told me this before, but I thought he might notice a 30lb weight loss since the last time I saw him…guess not. Some men just aren’t very observant!

Whatcha Think?